Bend that knee

One guy's ongoing discussion with his left knee

Friday, August 05, 2005

Not so good Friday

Tough day today. Lots of pain and loss of flexion. Of course, I did try the entire day without any pain medication to see if the meds were really having an impact. Hopefully, the answer is yes, and tomorrow will at least be more pleasant. Worked with Kim today - interestingly, she was the first person who asked if any particular exercise was really helping. Unfortunately, I couldn't point to one that made a big difference! The manual stretching seemed to help the extension side, but nothing seemed to help flexion - pain still behind the knee on the medial tendon area and the good 'ol MCL area on the medial side of the kneecap. Whereas early on, the first pain was about a 3-4 and I could push through a little, these days the flexion pain immediately jumps to a 6-7 and pushing much further is more difficult.

Hit the bike and wall slides in the morning - both were extremely tight; I haven't had the bike below setting 29 (used to work down to 24) for a couple days. Wall slides wasn't close to 90. Did some patella mobs, manual stretching, and prone massages. The back of my tendon was screaming anytime Kim massaged it. Tried a prone hang with and additional 8 lb weight for about 5 minutes - not bad until near the end. We measured my extension at 10 degrees - not bad all things considered, that was just with me hanging out. Bridges with the peanut, and then hamstring rolls (put legs up on peanut and pull back with hamstrings to bend knees). Then did ankle raises with my legs dangling off the edge of the table for 5 minutes. A flexion measurement here was 67 degrees. Ouch.

JAS for 30 minutes at a 6-7 setting. To match, the pain was about a 6 - it was probably the highest pain I've had but still managed to stay in the brace. good news: After all that, Kim hammered on my leg with overpressure to straighten, and it was at 4 degrees. GameReady for 20 to close...

No meds in the afternoon as well to see where we were. Bike and wall slides to stasrt, prone massage + some pressure on the heel to straighten the knee while prone. Quad sets for 5 minutes. Ankle raises again, with a flexion at 72. Ouch again. Patella mobs, bridges and hamstring with the peanut, and then used a strap for calf and hamstring stretches.

Didn't do much in the evening - tired, so did some quad sets and mobs while in the CPM and icing at night.

Backed off on the JAS, to 3-4, and then 20 minutes of GameReady.


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