Working for weekend
The days have mostly run together until now. Luke recommended that I take Sunday off. So now I'll track to Sunday! Overall today was better than the past couple days, but not yet back to the week after surgery. Luke also suggested I try a percoset before therapy in the afternoon; they taste like aspirin and work about the same. My pupils do get smaller, though.
Morning: Wall slides (to 100), bike, patella mobs, extension with move into 90 degree flexion, prone massage on the back of the knee. 20 knee raises off the edge of the table. I did manage to hang in the JAS brace for 30 minutes, although I was rolling my leg side to side to try and get some relief while I was enveloped. 20 minutes of GameReady and on to May Palace, Lissa's favorite eatery in the Valley, for lunch.
This afternoon was a bit of a break - Bike for 15, patella mobs, wall slides for 10 (probably 90ish), assisted ball roll. Stretching hamstring by putting leg in air, and then ankle raises with a foam roll under my knee. Tried a couple straight leg raises for kicks, with a little success. Ice. And then an icy Slurpee.
We're headed to Ti Amo, an Italian place we ate last week - really tasty. Lissa's folks are treating us 3 months before the wedding! It's getting closer...
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