Another double session
Started the morning with Dirk. The morning and afternoon were again pretty similar. Started with wall slides, and think I only got to 102. Hit the bike for about 15 minutes. Dirk indicated that we'd focus mostly on extension as long as the flexion was above a hundred or so. This is enough to go up and down stairs, although down might be a tight. He then pushed harder on patella mobs than any else. Dr. Steadman wandered by in scrubs about that time. "Don't go easy on him", with a grin. Dirk indicated that a problem area can be in the superpatella region, which is the fleshy area about an inch above the kneecap. It can scar and keep the kneecap from moving. He then did what I shall deem the "extension press", where he raised my leg to 90 degrees and then had me flex my quad for 10 seconds to try and get some additonal extension. Definitely tight. He then massaged the back of my knee for about 5 minutes while in a prone hang position. The inside tendon on the back of my knee was incredibly tight.
I think did some quad sets with my heel on a foam roll for 5 minutes (10 second hold, ten second rest), and then tried to do 5 and finish off with straight leg raise (3 sets). Then did bridges,but instead of bending my knees (which Dirk said increases the hamstring pressure), I did a normal bridge and rolled the ball away from me as I contracted my quad. 20 of these for 10 seconds each. At then end of all this, my knee was about 1 fingers width off the ground with some light overpressure and 2 without any pressure. Finished up with the JAS brace (and Dirk wrapped an ice pack around my knee at the same time) and Game ready.
Afternoon was similar. I started on the bike, 5 minutes, moved to patella mobs, and then wall slides. For the patella mobs, he pulled my leg off the table and had me lean back agains the wall, which helped relax the muscles and soft tissue a little. Wall slides were to 112 (Dirk thought that's actually what we got in the morning too). He mentioned my leg was pretty stiff. "In the running for worst in a while, eh?" Yep. Mentioned Steady's worst out of 10 comments. "When Steadman says it's bad, you know it's bad...". 5 minutes quad sets, 10 sec hold, then 5x10 sec with straight leg at end, 5 sets. I couldn't get the straight leg this time, though. Ball as before, 20 bridges with rollway for 10 seconds each, and then some additional massage in prone position on the back of the knee. He then did some additional stretching, first at 90 straight up with a quad set, then across my right leg - this one really stretched the muscles, and then out sideways to my left. 30 minutes of JAS with ice(which I had to back down again after 15) and 20 of Gameready.
Happy that I either didn't lose or regained the flexion in the afternoon. I'm still having difficulty moving through the range, but hopefully that will come.
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