Bend that knee

One guy's ongoing discussion with his left knee

Monday, May 23, 2005

Let's get physical

Just returned from physical therapy session 345,212. A good day, actually. I was able to padel on the bike with only a small hitch of my hip - after about an hour and a half of pushing on the knee with various exercises. I was also able to put 25 pounds on the knee while icing, the most so far. Felt pretty straight after I was done. The roxicotin definitely helps, a narcotic that probably has a decent street value. Funny, while in therapy I normally feel ok, but when I sit down afterwards at some point, I can get a little fuzzy. Lissa won't let me drive becuase my pupils are pinpoints.

Elite Physical therapy in Austin is awesome. Those guys are great - they got Christmas presents from me last year. Whoa...nothing like blogging while fuzzy...


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